About the founder and coach


As a registered nurse, nutritionist, metabolic health practitioner, entrepreneur, CEO, coach, wife, and mother, I’m passionate about good food and digestive health. I developed the IBS Game Changer program to apply my expertise and experience to helping people—just like you—who have spent their lives feeling like they were at the mercy of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Find me in The FODMAP Directory and the Society For Metabolic Health Practitioners


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My IBS Story

I've struggled with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) for as long as I can remember, and for most of that time I didn’t have any idea what it was. In fact, I didn’t even know it wasn’t “normal” to have all these symptoms and the anxiety they caused.

As a child, I would be doubled over and crying with “gas pains” on a regular basis. My parents learned to chalk it up to being part of my digestive system and they supported me through regular bouts of abdominal pain. Over time, the symptoms continued to plague me but nobody could ever point to a specific cause.

As an adult, twice I ended up in the ER certain that I had appendicitis. I was in such pain I couldn’t even stand up straight. Each time I was sent home without a diagnosis or any help for what I was experiencing.

When I finally went to a GI specialist and had the full battery of tests to rule out Celiac Disease, Crohn’s Disease or any other bowel-obstructing disorder, I was told it was “probably IBS.” At the time, I felt like that must be a catch-all diagnosis the doctors used when they couldn’t figure out what was really wrong. I didn’t even look into what it meant or what I could do about it because it didn’t seem like a diagnosis of anything “real.” 

After two more years of denial and discouragement and unpredictable symptoms, I went back to the GI specialist and that was when I finally wrapped my head around Irritable Bowel Syndrome as a real thing. It was also the first I heard about FODMAPs—small chain carbohydrates found in certain foods that trigger IBS symptoms.

Once I realized there was something I could do about my situation, I was all in on learning everything I could about symptoms, triggers, and solutions. That was when my constant gut roller coaster started to flatten out. 

And that’s when I started to develop the tools, techniques, and coaching program that I have packaged for you as the IBS Game Changer program.

I’ve been where you are and I know how bad it is. Let’s work together to change your game and get you going on a life you love.


Family friendly.

When I talk about “family-friendly” recipes — there’s a reason for that! Our loved ones are with us on the journey.

When you dive into the IBS Game Changer program you will quickly see it’s a program you can share with your family too. The food you eat, the mindset you learn, all the work you do to improve your symptoms and modify your thinking will bring positive changes, not just for you, but for the whole family.

Ready to get started?

Schedule a free consultation right now.