IBS Game Changer Turns Two!
2 Years • Over 2,000 Photographs • 430 Posts • 100% Low FODMAP
Two years ago, in the heart of the pandemic, I launched IBS Game Changer. Since then, thousands of you have signed up to receive this weekly email and I'm inspired, every day, to create new recipes that remind us all that low FODMAP can be 100% delicious!
And for those of you who I have had the honor of coaching, I thank you for your trust in me. It has been beyond gratifying to see your lives transform as you learn about your body and your IBS triggers and how to work with them to eat well, live well, and feel well.
Cheers to all of you! And cheers to many more years of IBS Game Changer to come.
Thank you for joining me on the journey.

Deliciously Low FODMAP™ recipes
If you want to try a food that has not yet been tested and added to one of the low-FODMAP apps , one of the most important tools in your low-FODMAP arsenal is self-testing.
5 Minutes prep • 10 Minutes cook • Low FODMAP • Gluten-Free • Lactose-Free • Makes 5 cups
5 Minutes prep • 15 Minutes cook • Low FODMAP • Gluten-Free • Lactose-Free • Makes 2 cups
15 Minutes prep • 30 Minutes cook • Low FODMAP • Serves 4 • Ok to make-ahead: Steps 1 - 2